...My one uncle on the Clitter side and I have already placed detailed Clitter information on the web (Clitter Family Tree Site), so it followed that we would something similar with the "Cousins" tree, as well. What better way to share the information and stories? We have invited everyone to participate - we want this to be a living/breathing 'book' for the upcoming generations. Capturing today's information now (family anecdotes, photos, recipes, etc.) will enable this latest generation (safely arrived and a healthy 3-year-old, who also has a sister as of this writing - just to tell you how long this project has taken us to get it up and running!) to 'know' their history. I have loved reading some of the stories about those 'uncles' and 'aunts' (many generations removed though they are). For instance, I am lucky enough to have an amazing book containing a detailed history of the Hoyt branch of my family that was published in 1871. The information in it dates back to the early 1600's. I've included an a related interesting story on the Hoyt family discussion page as well as others on their family pages. These stand out in your mind and make one's family history really live. Here on the "Cousins" site, we hope to make our joint history live - not only for our generation, but for those to come.

If you've come for a visit, enjoy. And don't miss the Reports if you're especially interest in one particular family. If you are part of any family (or know individuals who are part of a family), please feel free to send us stories/photos/whatever. We want this site to be an accurate accounting of all the births/deaths/marriages, but we also want to bring as many of the people to life as we can, and to that end, we need information. Let's not let the stories get lost as the generations pass away. We have an opportunity to capture today, as well as yesterday. Let's not squander that chance.

Fagan Cousins - are the five grandchildren of Harry Morgan Fagan and Ruth Garroway Fagan. Their daughter, Janet Garroway Fagan, had one daughter (this author), Sandra Leigh Clitter. Harry and Ruth's son, Harry Morgan Fagan, Jr., had four children - Robert Schweiker Fagan, Ann Heysham Fagan, Sarah Garroway Fagan, and Jane Heysham Fagan. These are the five 'Fagan Cousins' that you will find referenced in other parts of the site. Other Fagan ancestral families are Heysham, Hughes, McKee and Schweiker.

Clitter Cousins - as of the launch of the website are three living descendants of George Henry Clitter and Eliza King Clitter. Sandra Leigh Clitter is the daughter of James Everett Clitter, a great grandson of George Henry and Eliza, and David Alden Clitter and Jane Burnette Jackson are great grandchildren of George and Eliza. Other Clitter ancestral families are Hoyt, McGranahan and Miller.

Thanks to all who have helped on this project,

Sandy Clitter

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